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Customize Blogger EU Cookies Notification Bar

European Union recently approved a law, due to which; Blogger has automatically added the cookies notice bar on all blogs, so that the publisher could inform the EU visitors; about the cookies used on their blogs.The notice bar let the visitors know about the cookies used by publishers, Google analytics and AdSense cookies.

Customize Blogger EU Cookies Notification Bar 

Will the notice bar show on Custom Domains also?
The notice bar shows on all blogs, either they are, Custom domains as .com, .net, .org etc or on ccTLD. The notice bar is always shown to the visitors who are from the countries associated to the European Union. When the visitor will click Got it than it will disappear

Can we disable the EU Cookies Notice bar?

The blogger default message about cookies can only be disabled; if you are already using a notice bar to inform your visitors about the third party cookies. Otherwise if you will disable the EU Cookies notice bar; than your blog will be banned.

How the EU Cookies Notice Bar Looks like?

If on your blog the navbar is activated than the message will look like this:

Customize Blogger EU Cookies Notification Bar

If the navbar is deactivated the navebar will look like this:

Customize Blogger EU Cookies Notification Bar

Customization of EU Cookies Notice Bar

The EU Cookies Notice Bar is much lengthy and has the dull collors. By the customization you can make the EU Cookies Notice Bar color full according to your theme color. The message can also be shorten, neat and clean.
Before and after
Follow the steps as:
  • 1-   Open Blogger
  • 2-   Now go to Template > Backup your template
  • 3-   Click Edit HTML
  • 4-   Search for ]]></b:skin>
Paste the given code just below ]]></b:skin>

<!--Custom EU Cookies Notice by OperaGlobe.blogspot-->
<script type="text/javascript">
  cookieOptions = {
    msg: "This site uses cookies to help deliver services. By using this site, you agree to the use of cookies.",
    link: "",
    close: "Got it!",
    learn: "Learn More" };
    <style>.cookie-choices-info {z-index:999999!important;background-color: #FF0000!important;border-bottom: 1px solid #FFFF00; color: #800080!important;
        box-shadow: 1px 2px 2px #000;}.cookie-choices-info .cookie-choices-button{  background-color: #FCAC3A!important;border-radius: 1px!important;box-shadow: 2px 3px 2px #000;}</style>
<!--Custom EU Cookies Notice by OperaGlobe.blogspot-->
  • 1-   Change the Blue color text with your message
  • 2-   You can replace the link to your privacy page Link , if you want, otherwise leave it as same as it is.
  • 3-   Replace the EU Cookies Notice Bar  background color code #FF0000 with your required color code.
  • 4-   The yellow border at the bottom of EU Cookies Notice Bar can also be changed by changing the code #FFFF00
  • 5-   Replace it #800080 if you want to change the font color.
  • 6-   Edit the code #FCAC3A, if you want to change the background color of button.
Save the Template. That’s it you have done.


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